
About Tori

Welcome to Meet Me on Your Mat Retreats
Tori Hicks-Glogowski

Tori Hicks-Glogowski has been practicing yoga for almost 20 years and has been teaching for well over a decade.

With over 1000 hours of yoga education under her belt, she knows all too well how the practice of yoga can transform your life.

Beginning as an Original Hot Yoga Instructor in 2011, Tori also sought out certifications in Level II Traditional Hatha Yoga and CYoga, among many others.

She is a Certified RAD Yoga Mobility Specialist with expertise in self myofascial release techniques and was a USA Yoga Coach, assisting yoga athletes to train for competition.

Her specialty is the ability to take a student stuck in "Beginner Yoga Land," and assist them to build into something much more empowering and fun, helping them tap into their limitless possibilities on their yoga mat and in their lives.

Hi! Busting in here, to make this way more relateable. This is the real Tori.

It's always super weird to read your professional bio.

Real Talk: Even though I play an inspiring yoga instructor on the internet, I'm also a real person with human foibles & a struggles and the occasional yoga fumble. I'm a middle school choir teacher's wife, a retired musical theater actress, a dog mom, and a small business owner.

I'm passionate about changing your mind about your body. After suffering from disordered eating for almost half of my life, I turned it all around by finding love and peace with my body through yoga, meditation, and some deep work to cast away the quest for perfection and instead be the best me I could be.  

"My role in the world is to help women discover their own unique power on and off the yoga mat."

You know that voice that tells you, "You can't do that!" when you see a fancy yoga posture, or a daring hike up a mountain, or watch American Ninja Warrior?

Think of me as the friend that always loves to prove that voice wrong and shows you how to get to where you want to be - loving your body, your life, and all of your possibilities.
